Tricky Bits Blog Posts

Nanite Deep Dive - Part 1

Nanite was a new addition to UnrealEngine 5.0 and it rightfully got a lot of attention, but what is it?? Epic call it a “virtualized geometry system” but it the “virtualization” part is only a tiny part of it, the “geometry” part is the impressive bit.

Rob Wyatt

Windows thread scheduling

Windows has never claimed to be a real time operating system but in reality its not even a timely operating system.

Rob Wyatt

Measuring HDMI Latency

Managing display latency plays a big role in the architecture of game engines, video playback and display systems in general. In a typical consumer environment there is one component that we have little to no control over; the TV. Modern TVs and monitors have an unknown and undocumented latency between a frame being received and displayed - this is the latency we want to measure and in this post we are going to make a HDMI latency tester with a Raspberry Pi.

Rob Wyatt

Under the hood of Windows timestamps

Programmers have always needed reliable timestamps and programming on Windows is no different. But getting accurate timestamps efficiently from user mode, a seemingly simple task that every operating system supports, seems to have at best made Microsoft jump through hoops for 30 years, and at worst eluded them completely.

Rob Wyatt

Meta’s Earnings Report, The Dividend, and What That Means for Other Tech Companies

Feb 5th - Meta’s Earnings Report, The Dividend, and What That Means for Other Tech Companies (Spoiler Alert: Expect More Layoffs)

PJ McNerney

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